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Client Project

Defining Uber’s Global First Impression




In the midst of enterprise-scale change, Uber wanted to utilize their new global campus as a high-value setting to galvanize the company’s mission and culture, and help employees connect their contributions to positive, real-world impact.


Unite and align teams by creating a connected, interactive experience inside Uber’s new global headquarters—in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission Bay district and strategic locations around the world. Foreground the company’s mission to “ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion.“
Woman standing at front desk with large typography of cities behind
Wide angle of office with overhead light tubes and tubes behind front desk
Audience Impact
# Avg Daily Visitors
Spatial Impact
Square Footage
6000 Sq Ft across 3 Locations
Global Impact
Company Size
29,300 FTEs
Overhead shot of cars on a highway
For reference only, credit unknown

Grounding a Concept in Motion

The Stream presents Uber’s most important stories, translating the company’s activities and data sets into beams of light in motion—traveling from high up within the building, assembling into new forms that culminate as impactful narratives at the primary entrance.
Animation of small white lights moving horizontally across black canvas
Elevation view of light tubes with abstract white content
Woman walking past front desk with welcome message on light tubes

Powering Every Design Decision

To convey the refreshed vision of Uber and to solidify its position at the helm of transportation, we worked directly with cross-functional stakeholders to identify messages that would resonate. We developed a robust framework that outlined key audience types, design considerations, experience arcs and behaviors, and the overarching content strategy that led us into design concepting.
Graphic of city names in white text on black background with arrows in between names
Video cycling through imagery from NYC
Axonometric drawing of light tubes
Abstract green visual of blurred vertical lines
Woman approaching large square screen with light tubes overhead, abstracting the content on the screen
Render of people talking at front desk, with light tubes behind with text "Uber Air" running across it
Render of woman walking towards square high-resolution screen, with light tubes overhead. City names in white text on a black background are running across the screen and tubes
Overhead angle of light tubes behind front desk with black and white abstract content running horizontally
Abstract visual of rounded white lines moving up the black background
Animation of airport codes moving onto screen from right and moving left segmented
Flythrough render showing content moving through light tubes behind front desk and overhead
People talking at front desk with text "They Didn't" and spots of color on light tubes
Photograph of person standing at high-resolution square screen with abstract color visuals on it and running to overhead light tubes
Angle view towards front desk with red-orange abstract content playing on light tubes behind desk and on overhead structure

Scaling Across the World

The Stream’s physical hardware and front-end visualization systems were designed for productization, modularity, and scalability. Following the deployment of The Stream in San Francisco, we scaled the work to Uber talent hubs in Dallas, Amsterdam, Chicago, and Mexico City. This system allows operations teams in Uber’s headquarters to distribute and evolve core storytelling across offices in real-time, encouraging a deep connection between global employees and the universal brand mission.
View behind front desk, with long rectangular high-resolution blue-purple content on wooden wall
View of high-resolution screen wrapping around corner playing white text of city names on black background on black wall
iew of high-resolution screen rounding around corner playing white text of city names on black background on wooden wall