Close up view of geometric prisms

Art Commission




Artist Statement

What does beautifully orchestrated human collaboration look like? How could the behaviors of multidisciplinary teamwork be visualized?

“Lenses” is an interactive, audiovisual installation that celebrates the act of creativity and collaboration among diverse participants.

Prisms, light, and sound are added to a blank canvas, representing the interplay of ideas and perspectives, inviting viewers to experiment by building their own network of collaboration. As the prisms shift position and rotate within the canvas, the piece continually transforms into new, colorful visual arrays. The refracted light generated from this movement triggers real-time sound effects and illustrates the endless possibilities that diverse creative exchanges produce.

A rectangular device containing a blank "canvas", transparent prisms and light that emits from certain paints around the frame, creating colorful visual arrays through the refraction of the prisms
Close-up of light and shadow created by an arrangement of prisms standing on one end
A rectangular device containing a blank "canvas", transparent prisms and light that emits from certain paints around the frame, creating colorful visual arrays of blue, orange, yellow and purple through the refraction of the prisms
Video of a person's hand rotating a prism, which changes the refraction of light on the canvas
A guest interacting with the audiovisual installation by pressing on the buttons on the device that change the light patterns that are emitted
Prism rotating on black surface in blue light, causing streams of changing blue light to rotate on the surface
A rectangular device containing a blank "canvas", transparent prisms and one light that emits from one point in the frame, creating angular rays of white light to disperse outward
A rectangular device containing a blank "canvas", transparent prisms and one light that emits from several points in the frame, creating interesting visual pattern of light interaction
Close-up of buttons on device that control the number of rays of light in the installation
Animation of several possibilities of light-refracting visuals created through the installation
Simple diagram illustrating how light is emitted in the installation
Illustration of a person looking at several intersecting rays of light in a square
Render of installation from bottom